
27 December 2011

The Blocks Art

The Blocks Art - sketch by Maninder Pal Singh
The Blocks Art
Guess how it got its name? This drawing was made by me at the same age of 12. So, these two drawings were the beginning for my adventure (Other one: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad). I made many other drawings too but i lost them in the beginning of the journey. This sketch like the previous one is also not so impressive but it might be fine for a boy of 12. I made many Blocks on the page. They were non-linear and irregular because i was too young to understand how to make perfect squares. Then, i made a rough drawing on the blocks. Then, i filled the blocks that were lying under the line with a sketch pen. After the drawing was completed it looked like a computer generated image. Now, i understand that i made the drawing using the same principles that the Computer Graphics use, the pixels. Although, not very pretty but was a motivational drawing for me and was a pure artwork of Imagination and Creativity. Keep reading the My Sketchbook blog for a lot more sketches and artwork. Thanks for reading.

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