
05 May 2012

Wolf and The Moon Painting

Wolf and The Moon Painting by Maninder Pal Singh
Wolf and the Moon Painting
From line drawings and Pencil Shading moving on to Painting, I made this one first. I am still too bad at using colors, so just working with Black, White, Grey, etc. so far. In this Painting, I have made a wolf in front of a moon. Hope you recognized it before reading. Because of my bad painting skills, the moon was uneven and untidy, luckily giving it a terrestrial texture. Well, I started with the outline of the wolf using a pencil, then picked up the brush after years and filled the black color. Of course, I filled it uneven because I can come back to coloring the wolf after drawing and coloring the moon. So, the noob thing I did was started drawing the moon with the brush. Then I had a hard time making it circular and was not able to achieve a completely circular shape at all. But still not bad. I filled the surface outside the moon with pure black and filled the Moon with Black, White and some shades of Grey. Then I completed the wolf outline in more detail and finished the painting. I still need to go a long way in paintings and sketches, but hope I am on the right path. Hope you like my Painting of the wolf and the moon. Thanks for reading.

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